True Quality Home Inspections

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January | FebruaryMarch | April | May | June | July | August | September | OctoberNovember | December

Month 1

January | Back to Top

Midwinter Home Maintenance for January

In the darkest part of the year, it´s tempting to try hibernating through the
next couple months. If you can get a plan in place now though, you can get a
jump on spring. The following home maintenance checklist provides a “to do” list
for January, a list of seasonal sales, and a small kit to organize those items
that you always seem to have to rummage for when decorating for Christmas next

After the work and mania that accompanies the holiday season, January
provides an opportunity to regroup and reorganize.

  • Do end of the year accounting. Set up file folder for current year´s
    taxes. Organize receipts and paperwork.
  • Take down, clean, and store ornaments, decorations, and exterior lights.
    Recycle or store tree.
  • Declutter Christmas stuff. Give away or toss old, broken, or unused
    ornaments, decorations, lights, and those very sad ribbons.
  • Declutter a closet. Pick just one. Empty it. Sort by things to save,
    donate or sell, toss. Take the garbage out and set donations aside the same
    day. Clean the closet thoroughly.

Of the stuff to save, put everything that belongs somewhere else where it
belongs. Organize the stuff that belongs in that closet and put it back. Pat
yourself on the back and go have some fun. (If you have lots to declutter, pace
yourself otherwise you´ll never be able to finish. Some experts suggest making
decluttering appointments with yourself and making it a priority.)

  • Replace drawer liners and shelf papers.
  • Wander the house with a screwdriver and make a list of minor household
    repairs that can be done in a weekend. Tighten screws on drawers, doors, and
    furniture. Make a list of broken electrical face plates, missing pulls or
    knobs, locks that need lubrication, and spots that need caulking around
    sinks and tubs. Go to the home improvement store and buy everything you need
    to make all of your little repairs at once.
  • Call the utility company to do an energy audit. By now you´ll have
    received your first big winter heating bill, and unless you live in Phoenix,
    you may be motivated to see how you can improve your home´s energy
    efficiency. While you´re at it, ask the utility if they can also test for
    radon gas—especially important if you don´t know if it´s ever been done.
  • Plan annuals if you intend to start plants from seed. Start shopping for
    seeds and seed starting mix at the end of January. Use 1/2 gallon milk or
    orange juice containers cut down their length and stapled at the ends for
    starting trays.

Month 2

February | Back to Top

Late Winter Home Maintenance for February

It´s not spring yet, but February is the perfect month to start preparing for
spring cleaning and gearing up for gardening.

  • Make a list of all major indoor projects that need to be done.
    Prioritize them so you can get the most urgent out of the way before the
    garden and yard claims your attention.
  • For major projects, call and get estimates now.
  • Check and clean grout between tiles in your kitchen and bath. Regrout if
    necessary. Add sealer to finish.
  • Check flooring and carpet. If it needs repair or replacement, take
    advantage of sales now.
  • Start seeds if you plan to grow your own. Many seeds need to be started
    6-8 weeks before the last frost. In many areas of the country—depending on
    germination time and when to transplant—the best time to start seeds is in
    February.  Prune roses—18 inches is the optimum height.
  • Fertilize perennials in temperate areas and rototill empty garden beds
    if soil is dry enough.
  • Reorganize the pantry. Assess what you have on hand and if you haven´t
    been using stuff, make a meal plan that incorporates canned goods and
    freezer stocks (frozen foods are often on sale in March, so it´s a good time
    to stock up…if you have room). If you have goods that you don´t think
    you´ll use before their expiration dates, donate them to a food bank.
    There´s no reason to hang on to the Vienna wieners if you are now a
    practicing vegan. Take everything out. Wash shelves and add fresh shelf
  • Spare time? Organize the laundry area. Clear everything out. Sort, toss,
    and organize shelves by task: washing stuff together, cleansers, sponges,
    rags in their own bins. Check your ironing board; replace the cover if it´s
    old, stained, or just ratty.

Month 3

March | Back to Top

Early Spring Home Maintenance for March

If you haven´t made a plan for your spring cleaning and fix-up projects already,
now´s your chance. Winter´s almost over.

  • Prepare for vacation. Schedule time off. Make reservations and schedule
    flights for summer months.
  • Depending on region, do spring yard clean up. Edge beds.
  • Top dress and reseed lawns. Mow when grass gets to be 4″ high. Don´t mow
    it too short.
  • Fertilize almost everything.
  • Time to start transplanting cool season veggies to garden.
  • Build arbors and trellises before transplanting or sowing seeds for
    vines and gourds.
  • Cut back herbs.
  • Organize your paper life. Root out and recycle old magazines,
    newspapers, and assorted mementos. Build a new file system or clear out old
    files that are past being useful.
  • Prepare taxes or have them done, if you haven´t already. File
    electronically this year. If you owe, write the check and prepare to
    mail…on April 15 and not a minute sooner.
  • As spring starts, check your basement for cracks or leaks. If you see
    moisture, call a professional to check it out. Many homeowner´s insurance
    policies no longer cover fungus or mildew damage, so sealing basements is
    more important than ever.

Month 4

April | Back to Top

Mid-spring Home Maintenance for April

  • Use your vacuum and dishwasher to clean more efficiently. Start at the
    ceiling line with the vacuum: Vacuum walls, baseboards, and furniture before
    vacuuming floors. Empty the bag as soon as it starts getting full. Use the
    dishwasher for everything that fits. On some models, you can take out the
    top shelf for oversized items you might not have considered like the
    bathroom garbage cans, broiler pans, and bath caddies.
  • Check smoke alarm. Replace batteries if necessary. (Some people do this
    when they change their clocks for Daylight Savings Time.)
  • Take studs off car tires if you´re using them. Many states have laws
    that specify when they must be removed.
  • You still have time to reseed patchy areas of the lawn. Now is good
    while everything is in growth mode.
  • Transplant and move plants that are still dormant or just starting to
    wake up. If you wait, they may be too leafed out and more susceptible to
    transplant shock.
  • Wash windows inside.
  • Empty clothing closets, toy boxes, cupboards, and drawers. (If you´ve
    been decluttering and cleaning throughout the year, you know which ones you
    can ignore.) Vacuum, dust, or wash shelves, drawers, and cabinets depending
    on when they were last cleaned. Repaint or wallpaper a closet if you have
  • Sort winter clothes for tossing, donating, tag sales, or storage. Wash
    or dryclean woolens and down-filled clothing then store with cedar chips.
  • Replace winter bedding with summer bedding. Air, then clean, comforters,
    blankets, flannel sheets before storing.
  • Get out summer clothing and bedding.
  • Take down pictures and artwork. Clean frames and glass.
  • Take plants outside and give them a good bath. Wipe dust off leaves.
  • Move appliances and heavy furniture. Clean underneath.
  • Clean oven and refrigerator.
  • Dust, vacuum, or wash walls and ceilings. (Wash the kitchen ceiling
    unless you never cook.)
  • Dust and wash blades on ceiling fans.
  • Wash floors, then treat per manufacturer´s instructions.
  • Clean and shampoo carpets. If you can, hire someone to do this; it will
    save a lot of time and free you up to do other things.
  • Wax furniture. Make minor repairs as you find them.
  • Wash woodwork including moldings, baseboards, and doors.
  • Clean light fixtures and chandeliers. Put what you can in the
    dishwasher. Don´t do that with crystal or painted glass shades though; put
    crystal in warm soapy water, then rinse and dry. Delicate or fragile things
    will need to be carefully cleaned then set them out of the way where they
    won´t get broken if you can´t put them where they belong right away.
  • Dust lampshades. Replace now if they are getting old and ratty.
  • Take down curtains and drapes. Wash or dry clean.
  • Wash mini-blinds, blinds, or shades. If damaged, repair or replace.
  • Go through bookshelves. Get rid of any books that you no longer need.
    Donate or set them aside for a tag sale. Dust and replace on clean shelves.
  • Sort through videos, DVDs, electronic games, and music CDs. Toss damaged
    tapes and CDs. Sell or donate old games, CDs, and movies.
  • Sort through computer clutter. Donate usable software, manuals, and
    equipment. Find a recycling center for dead equipment. Pitch disks and
    floppies that you can´t read on your current systems.
  • Polish silver, brass, and copper pieces.
  • Wash china and crystal.
  • Set aside garage sale items, drop off donations, and haul garbage to the
    dump or dumpster.
  • Check sprinkler systems.

Month 5

May | Back to Top

Late Spring Home Maintenance for May

By May, we´ve started planting and, with luck, have our home´s interior tidied
up and organized for the next few months. May is great for spring cleaning, or
if you started, but ran short of time, it´s a good time to wrap it up. Memorial
weekend at the end of the month is typically a great time to do a couple
painting projects as well as some of those fix-up projects around the yard. When
you´re done, a barbecue is a dandy way to unwind with family and friends.

  • Plan a garage or tag sale for this May or June. The days are long and
    lots of people like to hit sales early in the morning.

    Finish spring cleaning projects.

  • Mother´s Day. Call your mom, send a card, buy flowers.
  • Check gutters, downspouts, and roof for leaks. Schedule roofing repair
    if needed.
  • Check siding for winter damage. Schedule repair.
  • If planning to paint exterior, start prep now. Call painter to schedule
  • Clean fireplace or stove. Call to schedule chimney cleaning. Have
    chimney repointed if needed.
  • Clean around AC compressor.
  • Remove storm windows. Inspect for damage, clean, repair, then store.
  • Wash windows, then put in screens.
  • Clear out debris from under decks or porches.
  • Plant annuals. Make a hanging basket with annuals for porch or patio.
  • Cut back any trees or branches that are touching the siding or roof.
  • If you need pest control, call now and schedule exterminators.
  • Clean and repair patio furniture.
  • Check any outdoor play equipment for damage, then repair.

Month 6

June | Back to Top

Early Summer Home Maintenance for June

It´s bright, sunny and the days are long. There´s a lot to do. The kids are out
of school and looking for things to do. Your schedule can get complicated with
summer school, sports, camp, and other activities. In addition to the annual
chores, there´s plenty to do to keep up with a growing garden and yard, as well
as everyday maintenance.

  • Order firewood for the fall. Give it the extra summer months to season.
  • Check gutters.
  • Paint interior or exterior if needed.
  • If you haven´t cleaned the freezer recently and used up what you have,
    now is a good time. That way you can take advantage of the huge array of
    seasonal produce that will be available for the next few months.
  • Buy fresh strawberries and make shortcake from scratch. Top with real
    whipped cream.
  • Make strawberry freezer jam while you´re at it. Eat it in December on
  • Check all recreational equipment and make sure it´s in good repair,
    especially swimming pools.
  • Check hoses on washer, refrigerator, and dishwasher. If they show signs
    of deterioration, replace them.
  • If you have wood decks, check them for signs of wear or deterioration.
    Repair or replace as needed. If you have nails popping up, consider
    replacing them with galvanized screws instead.
  • Clean and seal decks.
  • Check exterior railings and stairs. Repair if they are loose or showing
    signs of wear.
  • Clothes dryer vents should be checked at least once a year to make sure
    they are clear of any lint buildup that could cause a fire.
  • Service furnace or heating system.
  • Make sure attic vents work properly. Consider installing a whole house
  • Plant more annuals.

Month 7

July | Back to Top

Midsummer Home Maintenance for July

July starts out with a bang on the 4th of July weekend. Usually the warmest
month of the year, July is best spent relaxing, but there are still plenty of
tasks that can be done any time and now is good. Gardens are in the height of
their bloom and fruits and vegetables are showing up in profusion at the
farmer´s markets. You may find that doing as much as possible during the spring
and fall will free up your time for the ongoing chores your yard and garden

  • Freeze fresh blueberries.
  • Check your project list. If you´re postponing projects, either hire
    someone to come in and get them done, or do them yourself. Chances are
    they´ll just get worse over time. Many projects, while not inexpensive, are
    worth doing just for the peace of mind.
  • Paint projects? With windows open, July is a great month to paint.
  • Patch driveway or fill potholes with gravel.
  • Clean the garage. Get rid of junk.
  • Organize tools and garden equipment
  • Check with local government regarding waste disposal of old paint,
    solvents, and other toxic substances you might have. Use it up if you can,
    otherwise dispose of responsibly. NEVER pour toxic substances down the drain
    or throw them into the landfill.
  • Check fences. Repair or replace damaged portions.
  • Have septic tank pumped if you have a septic system.

Month 8

August | Back to Top

Late Summer Home Maintenance for August

Getting ready for school and catching that last chance for a summer break, makes
August another busy month. If you have a vegetable garden, most of your plants
will start producing most heavily.  August is still a popular month for
summer vacations, but if you´ve already had yours, now is the time to get ready
for school, fall, and the holidays at the end of the year.

  • Make blackberry freezer jam.
  • If you like to make Christmas gifts you already know August is getting a
    late start for some projects. Still, no time like the present.
  • Check windows and doors to make sure locks work properly and that they
    are in good condition. Clean tracks and lubricate hinges. Repair or replace
    any cracked windows.
  • Perform garage door maintenance.
  • Repair minor brick and mortar cracks. Call a professional if necessary,
    expecially concerning foundations.
  • Think you need more attic insulation? Add it now.
  • If you haven´t cleaned gutters for awhile, check them now. You can
    replace damaged or leaking gutters now, or add leaf guards that will allow
    leaves to slide off. Now there´s a thought! No more painstaking gutter

Month 9

September | Back to Top

Early Autumn Home Maintenance for September

Summer is winding down and the yard starts looking a little spent, the kids are
back in school, and it´s time to make sure that your home is ready for the

  • Drain hot water heater. Flush and refill.
  • Change the furnace filter.
  • Wash out garbage cans, disinfect, then rinse thoroughly.
  • For areas where you have great Indian Summers, take advantage of a few
    last barbecues before the weather changes. Otherwise, clean, repair, and
    store patio furniture.
  • If you haven´t already, check basement for cracks or leaks. Seal if
  • If you have a sump pump, test, clean and lubricate.
  • For plants that are starting to die back, remove litter and deadhead
  • Add compost, manure, and mulch to garden beds.
  • Plant late autumn vegetables like cabbage, peas, spinach, and swiss
  • Divide perennials, iris, and bulbs.
  • Remove sick or dead trees and shrubs.
  • Seed lawn if your yard has patchy spots. Fertilizing now also encourages
    good root development.
  • Before it gets cold, have an automatic irrigation system installed.
    (Scheduling is easier with less competition than in the spring and summer.)
  • Do your “spring” cleaning now before the chilly weather sets in and
    enjoy a clean house for the holidays.

Month 10

October | Back to Top

Mid-autumn Home Maintenance for October

October is often the month of Indian summer days and crisp fall evenings. Days
get shorter and the garden produces its last burst of color before the first
frosts. It´s a big gardening month for most of the country before hunkering down
for the winter.


  • Keep leaves raked to prevent smothering new grass.
  • Plant early spring bulbs and fertilize established bulb beds, including
  • Plant herb baskets and bulbs for forcing if you want to give them as
  • Clean yard. Clear debris from perimeter of house and outbuildings. Trim
    any trees or shrubs that touch the house.
  • At the end of the month, check system and fix leaks, then drain and turn
    off lawn sprinkler system.
  • Store hoses.
  • Take window screens out. Wash and store. Repair or replace now. Label so
    you can put them up quickly next spring.
  • Wash windows before installing storm windows.
  • Cover woodpile. Split some kindling and store for ready supply.
  • Harvest seeds for next year´s garden. For free information on how to
    save seeds, see the International Seed Saving Institute.
  • Move tender perennials into the house, garage, or greenhouse.


  • Turn mattresses.
  • Store summer bedding and towels. Before storing, check condition. Make
    rags out of damaged sheets and towels.
  • Store summer clothing. Check condition to cull worn items for donation or
    tossing. Unless you have enough kids to warrant hand-me-downs, send kids´
    clothes to donation center, church, or a homeless shelter. Clean before
  • Get out winter clothing and bedding. Swap cotton summer sheets for flannel
    sheets and duvet covers.
  • Do a big cleaning now while the weather is still relatively warm. You´ll
    be able to clear out the dust and dirt that got tracked in during the
  • Have carpets cleaned.
  • Schedule appointment to have air conditioner serviced.
  • Replace weatherstripping and caulk around doors and windows.
  • Switch to Daylight Savings Time. Check smoke detector. Replace batteries
    if needed.
  • Replace all your spices and herbs. Buy baking supplies: flour, sugar, and
    fresh baking soda if you´re a seasonal baker.
  • Plan holiday meals. Order meats and specialty items. If you´re hosting,
    make a plan. Check linens, glassware, and dishes. Purchase or rent if you´re
    short. Get what you need well in advance.
  • Lay a fire for the first nippy evening.

Month 11

November | Back to Top

Late Fall Home Maintenance for November

The holiday season is just around the next bend. With a plan and a system, you
can get everything done and still enjoy Thanksgiving.

  • Cut back plants that have been killed by frost.
  • Clean flower and vegetable beds, then work mulch and compost into soil
    to prepare for next spring.
  • Rake leaves.
  • Clean gutters and downspouts.
  • Sharpen, clean, and oil lawn mower.
  • Clean, oil, store garden tools.
  • Clean spray equipment before storing for season.Have automatic
    irrigation system serviced.
  • Organize gardening supplies and equipment. Inventory needed products and
    materials based on year´s consumption and prepare a list for spring garden
  • Prepare for holidays. If traveling, have car serviced.
  • If it´s on your game plan, put Christmas lights up after Thanksgiving.
  • Organize gifts and prepare to ship out of state gifts by the end of
  • Make cookies and turkey. Enjoy your family. Watch football.

Month 12

December | Back to Top

Early Winter Home Maintenance for December

December is often a manically busy month. Make sure you schedule down time for
yourself to regroup, relax, and enjoy the holidays.

  • Mail gifts and Christmas cards. The earlier the better.
  • Finish shopping. Wrap gifts.
  • Decorate house. Pull out ornaments and decorations. Purchase needed
    items. Put up tree, wreath, and garland.
  • Last chance to make donations to charities and claim the tax benefits
    for the current year. Don´t forget to get a receipt.
  • Having guests? Clean out the guest room (or space). Dust, vacuum, change
    linens. Prepare a care package of whatever you think your guest might enjoy.
    Spend the night in your guest room to make sure it´s comfortable.
  • Take Fido and FiFi out to have them groomed and clipped. No point being
    stuck inside with a stinky dog.
  • Get plenty of sleep, exercise, and try to avoid eating and drinking too
    much. It will reduce your stress and you´ll enjoy the season more. When
    January rolls around you won´t be freaking out about the five new pounds
    that you found attached to your butt New Year´s Day.
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